Julio Alonso CAMARERO
     Tfns.: 916777917 y 651699441
     E-mail : jacamarero@wanadoo.es


     - Diccionario de la Cultura de Burgos 2001 - 2010; Editorial DosSoles.

     - Diccionario de Pintores y Escultores Españoles del Siglo XX.   Editorial Forum Artis.
    Con crítica de Mario Antolín Paz

     - Galería Nela Alberca (Madrid)

     Julio Camarero has moved over the years in the territory of painting as a space of representation. His search aims at the transformation of our observation of the real, not as something in itself but as an object still to be defined, and his painting is the tool and conclusion of his exploration. Following Cézanne´s tracks, Julio converts the outside model into the motif of his paintings. It is no longer a question of picking up the facts from the real model that have made the greatest impact on us and then reflect them on the canvas, but rather a question of using that external model as an excuse to suggest a new dimension of our perceptiveness.

     His painting serves the purpose of creating these new spaces of perception. It is based on colour strokes and planes which show themselves as such, that way returning to the origins of pictorial representation, in spite of which the images created are radically contemporary. Julio puts forward a game for us; it is a game with the planes of colour, which places us between the three-dimensional illusion and the definitely flat condition of painting.


Daniel Lupión Romero, Artista plástico y coordinador de ECCA.